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How Fast Does Mold Grow After a Flood? Your Tennessee Remediation Guide

One of the first questions you may have after experiencing flooding at home is, ‘How fast does mold grow after a flood? The answer is – pretty quickly, as soon as 24 hours after water exposure.

While quick drying might be enough to stop spores from spreading during smaller flooding events like leaking appliances, working with a water damage restoration company is one of the best ways to avoid mold after bigger, much more pervasive damage.

Use this guide to stop mold before it begins in your Tennessee home. We’ll also review how to spot visible mold and what steps you should take immediately following water damage to minimize expenses.

How Soon After Water Damage Do Mold Spores Grow?

How long does it take for mold to grow? Mold growth can begin in as little as 24 hours following water damage. In some environments, mold growth can begin even sooner. For example, it may grow on wet drywall in as little as two hours.

Mold begins to grow quickly after water exposure because of the high humidity. Humid environments allow mold spores to thrive and reproduce, and with high enough moisture, spores will continue to spread with every passing hour.

This is why it’s so important to contact a professional as soon as possible following water in the home. The sooner you can start the restoration process, the less the chance of harmful contaminants.How To Prevent Mold After Water Damage

There are a few things you can do to avoid mold spores from forming after a flood, including:

Contact a Water Damage & Mold Restoration Company

One of the best ways to stop mildew or dangerous spores is to remove moisture and prevent humid environments before there’s a chance for mold to grow. The faster you contact a restoration company, the sooner you can remove all traces of water, which removes the humid environment it needs to thrive.

For bigger flooding events, water damage restoration companies have industrial-grade dehumidifiers, fans, and vacuums to quickly suck out the moisture in your floors, walls, and air. Then, they use disinfectants and other sanitizers to kill off anything that has started to grow.

Professional water remediation services are even more crucial if your home’s water leak or flooding contains contaminated water. Backed-up sewers or clogged toilets can flood into your home and infect your surfaces, eventually leading to health problems, and typically only professional water restoration services have the right equipment for the job.

Shut Off The Source Of The Water Leak

water leak source

You can prevent mold growth by turning off the leaking appliance, or even your entire water supply if you can’t identify the source of the leaks. The faster you stop the source of the leak, the easier it will be to control the damage, remove water, and disinfect the area.

You may also need to turn off your home’s electrical if the water is near appliances or electrical outlets.

Aerate The Room And Dry Off All Surfaces

Drying out your space is crucial to avoid the spread of spores. This includes drying up all visible signs of puddles, water-logging, and moisture in the air.

Keep in mind water may also be trapped behind the walls.

If it isn’t humid outside, opening all doors and windows, alongside the use of fans and dehumidifiers, can help quickly dry out your walls, carpets, and floors. Ideally, the moisture in the room should be below 50%.

Throw Away All Water Damaged Items

Throwing away all water-logged items, including carpets, cloth furniture, and insulation, is crucial. It won’t take long for spores to grow on affected surfaces, so it’s best to dispose of any items that don’t have much chance of restoration.

Schedule a Professional Cleaning Service After Mold Exposure

Once you remove all traces of water damage, you’ll likely need professional cleaning. Cleaning should include the removal of all mildew, spores, and bacteria.

One of the perks of working with a professional restoration company is that they have commercial-grade products that can avoid mold growth and help to keep you and your family safe after experiencing a flood.

Why Does Mold Grow After Water Damage?

Water damage often causes mold growth because water greatly increases the moisture levels in a home, and it only takes a small amount of condensation to grow and spread spores.

Mold is possible in any environment with high humidity and a moisture problem, both common following water leaks or flooding in the home.

How Fast Does Mold Spread?

If removed and remediated promptly, you can usually avoid mold spread. However, how fast mold moves typically depends on the materials, the extent of the damage, and the room’s humidity level. The right environment can cause mildew, mold, and other bacteria to grow within 24 hours, but it can take up to 21 days for the spores to become visible.

This means you may experience health problems before you even notice them with the naked eye. It will typically continue to grow and spread with each passing hour, even after any leaks are repaired.

How Do You Know If You Have Mold After A Flood

A few of the most common signs of a mold include:

Visible Spores on Wall Surfaces

One of the most obvious signs of mold in the home is visible spores on the walls or floors.

Musty Small In the Air

You may also notice a musty smell when spores are in the home. This could indicate spores or mildew growth.

Puddled Areas of Water

Puddled areas of water left for more than a few hours could eventually grow mold.

What Is the Most Dangerous Type of Mold?

Black mold is a fungus that leads to all types of health issues. Black mold may be present before you can even see it with the naked eye. Of course, other species of mold can also be dangerous.

How Long Does It Take To Restore a Flooded Home?

The time it takes to fully restore a flooded home depends entirely on the level of damage. Typically, it takes about 1-2 weeks to completely remove water, dry out the space, and fix up any damage caused by water and mold.

The best way to speed up the timeline is to work with a professional and prevent a mold problem from ever occurring.

Contact a Tennessee Mold & Water Damage Restoration Company Today

Mold, mildew, and water remediation are usually best left to the professionals. You can halt spore spread and growth by taking action quickly and starting the restoration process before it has time to grow.

Mold reproduces in as little as 24 hours following damage. The sooner you contact Flood Kings for water damage restoration services, the better your chances of controlling growth. Contact us today to restore your Tennessee home to normal.

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